This is a list of national teams members of the UEFA zone that have played against Macedonia. UEFA has 55 members, 48 of them countries in Europe, 5 with their territory between Europe and Asia plus 2 fully in Asia. Macedonia is also member of UEFA.
Last update: 11.06.2024
Total score against UEFA members: G254 W83 D59 L112 GD 321:357
– Albania (G10 W4 D4 L2 GD 12:7)
14.05.1994 5:1 win (match report) F
10.02.1999 0:2 defeat (match report) F
26.04.2000 1:0 win (match report) F
05.01.2002 0:0 draw (match report) F
20.08.2003 3:1 win (match report) F
07.02.2007 1:0 win (match report) F
17.11.2010 0:0 draw (match report) F
15.11.2011 0:0 draw (match report) F
05.09.2016 1:2 defeat (match report) Q
05.09.2017 1:1 draw (match report) Q
– Andorra (G6 W4 D1 L1 GD 9:1)
13.10.2004 0:1 defeat (match report) Q
09.02.2005 0:0 draw (match report) Q
11.10.2006 3:0 win (match report) Q
17.10.2007 3:0 win (match report) Q
08.10.2010 2:0 win (match report) Q
06.09.2011 1:0 win (match report) Q
– Armenia (G13 W6 D3 L4 GD 23:18)
10.05.1995 2:2 draw (match report) Q
06.09.1995 1:2 defeat (match report) Q
18.08.2004 3:0 win (match report) Q
04.06.2005 2:1 win (match report) Q
07.09.2010 2:2 draw (match report) Q
07.10.2011 1:4 defeat (match report) Q
09.09.2018 2:0 win (match report) NL
16.10.2018 0:4 defeat (match report) NL
05.09.2020 2:1 win (match report) NL
18.11.2020 0:1 defeat (match report) NL
02.09.2021 0:0 draw (match report) Q
11.11.2021 5:0 win (match report) Q
17.10.2023 3:1 win (match report) F
10.09.2024 20.45 CET NL
13.10.2024 18.00 CET NL
– Austria (G3 W0 D0 L3 GD 3:9)
10.06.2019 1:4 defeat (match report) Q
16.11.2019 1:2 defeat (match report) Q
13.06.2021 1:3 defeat (match report) EC
– Azerbaijan (G8 W5 D2 L1 GD 15:8)
26.07.2000 2:1 win (match report) F
06.10.2000 3:0 win (match report) Q
05.09.2001 1:1 draw (match report) Q
29.05.2010 3:1 win (match report) F
10.08.2011 1:0 win (match report) F
29.05.2016 3:1 win (match report) F
27.03.2018 1:1 draw (match report) F
20.11.2022 1:3 defeat (match report) F
– Belarus (G3 W1 D1 L1 GD 4:2)
27.03.2015 1:2 defeat (match report) Q
12.10.2015 0:0 draw (match report) Q
28.03.2017 3:0 win (match report) F
– Belgium (G4 W0 D1 L3 GD 1:9)
16.11.1994 1:1 draw (match report) Q
07.06.1995 0:5 defeat (match report) Q
22.03.2013 0:2 defeat (match report) Q
26.03.2013 0:1 defeat (match report) Q
– Bosnia and Herzegovina (G5 W1 D3 L1 GD 8:8)
03.06.1998 1:1 draw (match report) F
29.03.2000 0:1 defeat (match report) F
27.03.2002 4:4 draw (match report) F
18.02.2004 1:0 win (match report) F
26.03.2008 2:2 draw (match report) F
– Bulgaria (G9 W2 D2 L5 GD 4:9)
12.04.1995 0:0 draw (match report) F
28.05.1996 0:3 defeat (match report) F
25.03.1998 1:0 win (match report) F
15.08.2001 0:1 defeat (match report) F
01.03.2006 0:1 defeat (match report) F
14.08.2013 2:0 win (match report) F
29.03.2016 0:2 defeat (match report) F
02.06.2022 1:1 draw (match report) NL
26.09.2022 0:1 defeat (match report) NL
– Croatia (G9 W1 D2 L6 GD 9:15)
14.10.1998 2:3 defeat (match report) Q
05.06.1999 1:1 draw (match report) Q
09.02.2003 2:2 draw (match report) F
28.04.2004 0:1 defeat (match report) F
24.03.2007 1:2 defeat (match report) Q
17.11.2007 2:0 win (match report) Q
07.09.2012 0:1 defeat (match report) Q
12.10.2012 1:2 defeat (match report) Q
03.06.2024 0:3 defeat (match report) F
– Cyprus (G2 W1 D1 L0 GD 4:1)
17.12.1994 3:0 win (match report) Q
11.10 1995 1:1 draw (match report) Q
– Czechia (G4 W0 D1 L3 GD 3:11)
28.02.2001 1:1 draw (match report) F
17.11.2004 0:2 defeat (match report) Q
08.06.2005 1:6 defeat (match report) Q
10.06.2024 1:2 defeat (match report) F
– Denmark (G3 W1 D1 L1 GD 4:2)
07.09.1994 1:1 draw (match report) Q
26.04.1995 0:1 defeat (match report) Q
06.02.2013 3:0 win (match report) F
– England (G6 W0 D3 L3 GD 4:13)
16.10.2002 2:2 draw (match report) Q
06.09.2003 1:2 defeat (match report) Q
06.09.2006 0:1 defeat (match report) Q
07.10.2006 0:0 draw (match report) Q
19.06.2023 0:7 defeat (match report) Q
20.11.2023 1:1 draw (match report) Q
– Estonia (G6 W4 D2 L0 GD 13:7)
01.06.1994 2:0 win (match report) F
11.06.2004 4:2 win (match report) F
16.08.2006 1:0 win (match report) Q
12.09.2007 1:1 draw (match report) Q
11.10.2020 3:3 draw (match report) NL
15.11.2020 2:1 win (match report) NL
– Faroe Islands (G1 W1 D0 L0 GD 1:0)
27.03.2023 1:0 win (match report) F
07.09.2024 15.00 CET NL
17.11.2024 15.00 CET NL
– Finland (G6 W1 D2 L3 GD 3:12)
10.01.2002 0:3 defeat (match report) F
17.04.2002 1:0 win (match report) F
17.08.2005 0:3 defeat (match report) Q
07.09.2005 1:5 defeat (match report) Q
23.03.2018 0:0 draw (match report) F
17.11.2022 1:1 draw (match report) F
– France
no matches played
– Georgia (G5 W1 D2 L2 GD 3:7)
08.09.2020 1:1 draw (match report) NL
14.10.2020 1:1 draw (match report) NL
12.11.2020 1:0 win (match report) PO
09.06.2022 0:3 defeat (match report) NL
23.09.2022 0:2 defeat (match report) NL
– Germany (G2 W1 D0 L1 GD 2:5)
31.03.2021 2:1 win (match report) Q
11.10.2021 0:4 defeat (match report) Q
– Gibraltar (G4 W4 D0 L0 GD 12:0)
06.09.2018 2:0 win (match report) NL
19.11.2018 4:0 win (match report) NL
05.06.2022 2:0 win (match report) NL
12.06.2022 4:0 win (match report) NL
– Greece
no matches played
– Hungary (G2 W0 D1 L1 GD 0:5)
22.04.1998 0:0 draw (match report) F
14.11.2001 0:5 defeat (match report) F
– Iceland (G6 W3 D2 L1 GD 9:5)
01.06.1996 1:1 draw (match report) Q
07.06.1997 1:0 win (match report) Q
15.10.2008 0:1 defeat (match report) Q
10.06.2009 2:0 win (match report) Q
05.09.2021 2:2 draw (match report) Q
14.11.2021 3:1 win (match report) Q
– Ireland (G6 W1 D1 L4 GD 5:11)
09.10.1996 0:3 defeat (match report) Q
02.04.1997 3:2 win (match report) Q
09.06.1999 0:1 defeat (match report) Q
09.10.1999 1:1 draw (match report) Q
26.03.2011 1:2 defeat (match report) Q
04.06.2011 0:2 defeat (match report) Q
– Israel (G7 W2 D1 L4 GD 7:9)
20.11.2002 2:3 defeat (match report) F
02.06.2007 1:2 defeat (match report) Q
21.11.2007 0:1 defeat (match report) Q
06.10.2016 1:2 defeat (match report) Q
02.09.2017 1:0 win (match report) Q
05.09.2019 1:1 draw (match report) Q
19.11.2019 1:0 win (match report) Q
– Italy (G4 W1 D2 L1 GD 5:5)
09.10.2016 2:3 defeat (match report) Q
06.10.2017 1:1 draw (match report) Q
24.03.2022 1:0 win (match report) PO
09.09.2023 1:1 draw (match report) Q
17.11.2023 2:5 defeat (match report) Q
– Kazakhstan
04.06.2021 4:0 win (match report) F
– Kosovo (G1 W1 D0 L0 GD 2:1)
08.10.2020 2:1 win (match report) PO
– Latvia (G3 W3 D0 L0 GD 7:2)
05.03.2014 2:1 win (match report) F
21.03.2019 3:1 win (match report) Q
09.09.2019 2:0 win (match report) Q
10.10.2024 20.45 CET NL
14.11.2024 20.45 CET NL
– Liechtenstein (G11 W10 D1 L0 GD 42:5)
24.04.1996 3:0 win (match report) Q
09.11.1996 11:1 win (match report) Q
08.09.2002 1:1 draw (match report) Q
07.06.2003 3:1 win (match report) Q
12.11.2005 2:1 win (match report) F
24.03.2017 3:0 win (match report) Q
09.10.2017 4:0 win (match report) Q
13.10.2018 4:1 win (match report) NL
16.11.2018 2:0 win (match report) NL
28.03.2021 5:0 win (match report) Q
08.10.2021 4:0 win (match report) Q
– Lithuania (G3 W1 D0 L2 GD 2:4)
06.09.1997 0:2 defeat (match report) Q
11.10.1997 1:2 defeat (match report) Q
15.08.2012 1:0 win (match report) F
– Luxembourg (G4 W2 D0 L2 GD 8:6)
20.08.2008 4:1 win (match report) F
29.02.2012 1:2 defeat (match report) F
09.10.2014 3:2 win (match report) Q
05.09.2015 0:1 defeat (match report) Q
– Malta (G8 W7 D1 L0 GD 19:3)
27.03.1996 1:0 win (match report) F
27.11.1996 2:0 win (match report) F
06.09.1998 4:0 win (match report) Q
18.11.1998 2:1 win (match report) Q
21.08.2002 5:0 win (match report) F
11.08.2010 1:1 draw (match report) F
23.03.2023 2:1 win (match report) Q
12.09.2023 2:0 win (match report) Q
– Moldova (G4 W0 D4 L0 GD 4:4)
11.10.2000 0:0 draw (match report) Q
02.06.2001 2:2 draw (match report) Q
11.02.2009 1:1 draw (match report) F
21.03.2024 1:1 draw (match report) F
– Montenegro (G4 W2 D0 L2 GD 7:5)
19.11.2008 1:2 defeat (match report) F
03.03.2010 2:1 win (match report) F
12.11.2015 4:1 win (match report) F
25.03.2024 0:1 defeat (match report) F
– Netherlands (G5 W0 D2 L3 GD 3:11)
09.10.2004 2:2 draw (match report) Q
12.10.2005 0:0 draw (match report) Q
10.09.2008 1:2 defeat (match report) Q
01.04.2009 0:4 defeat (match report) Q
21.06.2021 0:3 defeat (match report) EC
– Northern Ireland
no matches played
– Norway (G4 W1 D1 L2 GD 3:4)
06.06.2009 0:0 draw (match report) Q
09.09.2009 1:2 defeat (match report) Q
11.06.2013 0:2 defeat (match report) F
11.11.2017 2:0 win (match report) F
– Poland (G5 W0 D1 L4 GD 2:11)
14.02.2003 0:3 defeat (match report) F
26.05.2008 1:1 draw (match report) F
14.12.2012 1:4 defeat (match report) F
07.06.2019 0:1 defeat (match report) Q
13.10.2019 0:2 defeat (match report) Q
– Portugal (G3 W0 D1 L2 GD 0:3)
02.04.2003 0:1 defeat (match report) F
26.05.2012 0:0 draw (match report) F
29.03.2022 0:2 defeat (match report) PO
– Romania (G7 W1 D1 L5 GD 7:14)
14.12.1996 0:3 defeat (match report) Q
20.08.1997 2:4 defeat (match report) Q
04.09.2004 1:2 defeat (match report) Q
30.03.2005 1:2 defeat (match report) Q
02.06.2010 1:0 win (match report) F
25.03.2021 3:2 defeat (match report) Q
08.09.2021 0:0 draw (match report) Q
– Russia (G4 W0 D0 L4 GD 0:7)
15.11.2006 0:2 defeat (match report) Q
08.09.2007 0:3 defeat (match report) Q
12.10.2010 0:1 defeat (match report) Q
02.09.2011 0:1 defeat (match report) Q
– San Marino
no matches played
– Scotland (G4 W1 D1 L2 GD 3:5)
06.09.2008 1:0 win (match report) Q
05.09.2009 0:2 defeat (match report) Q
11.09.2012 1:1 draw (match report) Q
10.09.2013 1:2 defeat (match report) Q
– Serbia* (G6 W1 D1 L4 GD 7:15)
05.09.1999 1:3 defeat (match report) Q
08.09.1999 2:4 defeat (match report) Q
23.02.2000 1:2 defeat (match report) F
06.02.2008 1:1 draw (match report) F
16.10.2012 1:0 win (match report) Q
15.10.2013 1:5 defeat (match report) Q
– Slovakia (G8 W0 D2 L6 GD 3:16)
03.09.2000 0:2 defeat (match report) Q
07.10.2001 0:5 defeat (match report) Q
29.03.2003 0:2 defeat (match report) Q
10.09.2003 1:1 draw (match report) Q
03.09.2010 0:1 defeat (match report) Q
11.10.2011 1:1 draw (match report) Q
15.11.2014 0:2 defeat (match report) Q
14.06.2015 1:2 defeat (match report) Q
– Slovenia (G7 W4 D2 L1 GD 13:7)
13.10.1993 4:1 win (match report) F
23.03.1994 2:0 win (match report) F
14.11.2012 3:2 win (match report) F
23.03.2016 0:1 defeat (match report) F
24.03.2019 1:1 draw (match report) Q
10.10.2019 2:1 win (match report) Q
01.06.2021 1:1 draw (match report) F
– Spain (G7 W0 D0 L7 GD 4:20)
12.10.1994 0:2 defeat (match report) Q
15.11.1995 0:3 defeat (match report) Q
12.08.2009 2:3 defeat (match report) F
08.09.2014 1:5 defeat (match report) Q
08.09.2015 0:1 defeat (match report) Q
12.11.2016 0:4 defeat (match report) Q
11.06.2017 1:2 defeat (match report) Q
– Sweden (G3 W0 D0 L3 GD 1:4)
24.03.2001 0:1 defeat (match report) Q
01.09.2001 1:2 defeat (match report) Q
03.06.2013 0:1 defeat (match report) F
– Switzerland
no matches played
– Turkey (G8 W1 D2 L5 GD 9:14)
31.08.1994 0:2 defeat (match report) F
30.08.1995 1:2 defeat (match report) F
28.03.2001 1:2 defeat (match report) Q
06.06.2001 3:3 draw (match report) Q
12.10.2002 1:2 defeat (match report) Q
11.06.2003 2:3 defeat (match report) Q
04.06.2006 1:0 win (match report) F
05.06.2017 0:0 draw (match report) F
– Ukraine (G7 W1 D1 L5 GD 4:10)
11.10.2003 0:0 draw (match report) F
31.03.2004 1:0 win (match report) F
12.10.2014 0:1 defeat (match report) Q
09.10.2015 0:2 defeat (match report) Q
17.06.2021 1:2 defeat (match report) EC
16.06.2023 2:3 defeat (match report) Q
14.10.2023 0:2 defeat (match report) Q
– Wales (G2 W1 D0 L1 GD 2:2)
06.09.2013 2:1 win (match report) Q
11.10.2013 0:1 defeat (match report) Q
* FIFA considers Serbia as successor of Yugoslavia and of Serbia and Montenegro.
F – friendly
NL – Nations League
PO – play-off
Q – qualifier