Due to the tragic death of Petar Miloshevski, FFM postponed the First League game between Pelister and Makedonija GjP.
The request made by Pelister was welcomed by the Football Federation of Macedonia who immediately postponed their Round 22 encounter against Makedonija Gjorche Petrov. Pelister was the hometown club of Petar Miloshevski, the former national team keeper who tragically died on Thursday evening in a road accident. Since the funeral will take place on Sunday, the day when the game was scheduled to take place, both Pelister and FFM agreed to postpone it for Tuesday at 14.00 CET. That way, the Pelister players, board and fans can attend the funeral in order to farewell Miloshevski for the last time.
All other games will start with a minute of silence. Also, the youth games featuring Pelister that were scheduled for Sunday are postponed.