No Fair Play in Macedonia

Fair PlayAccording to the Fair Play ranking list released by UEFA, Macedonia is on the last – 50th place. The ranking is based on all UEFA competition matches played, at club and national-team levels, from 1 May 2007 to 30 April 2008.

For the current standings, only national associations that have played a minimum of 28 games are considered. This cut-off point is calculated by dividing the total number of UEFA matches by the number of national associations.
The latest ranking takes into account matches up to and including 31 December 2007.
UEFA Fair Play ranking list:
1. England 8117 points / 113 matches played
2. Norway 8113 / 67
3. Germany 8079 / 100
4. Sweden 8076 / 77
5. France 8075 / 94
50. Macedonia 7397 points / 40 matches 

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