Macedonia still on the 64th position

MacedoniaMacedonia stayed on the 64th position on the FIFA ranking list for June 2009, same as May and April because there was no activity in the last months. The 64th place is the worst since October 2007 when Macedonia was on the 75th position.

Macedonia has 515 points, eight more then last month, but three less then Belgium on the 63rd and only a point more then Gambia on the 65th position.

61 Slovenia Slovenia 536
63 Belgium Belgium 518
64 FYR Macedonia Macedonia 515
65 Gambia Gambia 514
66 Algeria Algeria 490

Spain still holds the leading position in front of Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Brazil.

1 Spain Spain 1761      
2 Netherlands Netherlands 1442      
3 Germany Germany 1378      
4 Italy Italy 1292      
5 Brazil Brazil 1288      

On the ranking only for the UEFA members, Macedonia holds the 34th place. (in brackets is the actual FIFA ranking)

(61) 32 Slovenia Slovenia 536
(63) 33 Belgium Belgium 518
(64) 34 FYR Macedonia Macedonia 515
(70) 35 Austria Austria 473
(74) 36 Wales Wales 468

Ranking of the World Cup 2010 UEFA qualification Group 9 

2 Netherlands Netherlands 1442
22 Scotland Scotland 840
47 Norway Norway 638
64 Macedonia Macedonia 515
92 Iceland Iceland 400

The next ranking will be released on July 1st.

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