Macedonia ranks #81 in FIFA ranking

FIFAMacedonia ends 2012 on 81st place in FIFA Ranking list, two places higher compared to last month.

FIFA have published the last ranking list for 2012 and Macedonia is placed on 81st position. Considering the team has started the year as #103, this place can be seen as an improvement, although it is still far from Macedonia’s highest ranking – #46 in October 2008.

The win over Slovenia brought Macedonia 453 points, enough to move 2 places, leaving Wales a spot below Macedonia.

76.  alt  Benin 457
77.  alt  Senegal 455
78. alt  Israel 454
79. alt  Equatorial Guinea 439
80.  alt  Guatemala 438
81.  alt  Macedonia 436
82.  alt  Wales 435
83.  alt  Finland 431
84.  alt  Angola 428
84.  alt  Uganda 428
86.  alt  Estonia 425

Top 10 in FIFA World Rankings for December 2012

1.  alt  Spain 1606
2.  alt  Germany  1437
3.  alt  Argentina  1290
4.  alt  Italy 1165
5.  alt  Colombia 1164
6.  alt  England 1151
7.  alt  Portugal 1144
8.  alt  Netherlands 1124
9.  alt  Russia 1070
10. alt Croatia 1064

FIFA rankings for the Balkan countries (in brackets is the actual ranking):

1. (10.) alt Croatia 1064
2. (11.) alt Greece 1033
3. (27.) alt Bosnia and Herzegovina 788
4. (31.) alt Montenegro 756
5. (33.) alt Romania 700
6. (38.) alt Serbia 659
7. (40.) alt Turkey 627
8. (49.) alt Slovenia 591
9. (50.) alt Bulgaria 585
10. (63.) alt Albania 518
11. (81.) alt  Macedonia 436

FIFA rankings for the Group A members of the 2014 WC qualifications (in brackets is the actual ranking):

1. (10.) alt Croatia 1064
2. (21.) alt Belgium 868
3. (38.) alt Serbia 659
4. (72.) alt Scotland 490
5. (81.) alt Macedonia 436
6. (82.) alt Wales 435

The next FIFA rankings will be released on 17 January 2013.

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