
Macedonia one place up in the newest FIFA ranking list

MacedoniaMacedonia although lost 24 points, moved up one place on the newest FIFA world ranking list, but it’s one of the worst ranked European countries.

The win over the 202nd placed Andorra didn’t give many points to Macedonia, but the home defeat from Russian costed Macedonia losing some points. Still, thanks to the fact that Latvia lost 46 points, Macedonia moved up one place and is now on the 70th place. But, Macedonia is now even bellow Armenia from the Group B ranking, bellow every country in the Balkan peninsula and one of the worst ranked European teams. Can we fall any lower?

66. alt Costa Rica 490
67. alt Ecuador 484
68. alt Benin 482
69. Poland Poland 464
70. Macedonia Macedonia 455
71. Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 452
72. alt Latvia 448
73. alt Senegal 446
74. Estonia Estonia 435

Top 10 of the October FIFA ranking list:

1. alt Spain 1881
2. alt Netherlands 1683
3. alt Brazil 1493
4. alt Germany 1481
5. Argentina Argentina 1320
6. alt England 1205
7. alt Uruguay 1167
8. alt Portugal 1123
9. Croatia Croatia 1086
10. Russia Russia 1061

FIFA ranking of the qualification Group B for the EURO 2012 (in brackets is the actual ranking):

1. (10.) Russia Russia 1061
2. (20.) alt Slovakia 865
3. (32.) alt Ireland 710
4. (60.) alt Armenia 514
5. (70.) Macedonia Macedonia 455
6. (202.) alt Andorra 2

FIFA ranking for UEFA members (in brackets is the actual ranking):

33. (60.) alt Armenia 514
34. (62.) alt Belgium 499
35. (65.) Albania Albania 491
36. (69.) alt Poland 464
37. (70.) Macedonia Macedonia 455
38. (72.) Latvia Latvia 448
39. (74.) Estonia Estonia 435
40. (75.) alt Georgia 431
41. (78.) alt Moldova 424

FIFA ranking fot the Balkan countries (in brackets is the actual ranking):

1. (9.) alt Croatia 1086
2. (12.) alt Greece 1026
3. (15.) alt Slovenia 926
4. (22.) alt Serbia 861
5. (26.) alt Montenegro 827
6. (29.) alt Turkey 780
7. (43.) alt Bulgaria 605
8. (50.) alt Romania 568
9. (53.) alt Bosnia-Herzegovina 542
10. (65.) alt Albania 491
11. (70.) Macedonia Macedonia 455

The next ranking will be released on 17th November 2010.

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